chromato-, chromat-, chromo-, chrom-, chro-, -chrome, -chromasia, -chromia, -chromatism, -chromatic, -chromatically, -chromy

(Greek: color)

1. A type of chromatography that utilizes the application of an electric potential to produce an electric differential (the difference between two effects, motions, forces, etc.).
2. A chemical separation technique in analytical chemistry, biochemistry, and molecular biology which is used to resolve and to separate mostly large biomolecules; such as, proteins.

Electrochromatography is a combination of size exclusion chromatography (gel filtration chromatography) and gel electrophoresis.

The term "gel" in this instance refers to the matrix used to contain, then separate the target molecules.

euchromatopsy (s) (noun), euchromatopsies (pl)
1. A hereditary disorder affecting iron metabolism in which excessive amounts of iron accumulate in the body tissues. The disorder is characterized by diabetes mellitus, liver dysfunction, and a bronze pigmentation of the skin.
2. A pathology in which iron accumulates in the tissues; characterized by bronzed skin and enlarged liver and diabetes mellitus and abnormalities of the pancreas and the joints; also known as, iron-storage disease, iron overload, bronzed diabetes.

Hemochromatosis, the most common form of iron overload disease, is an inherited disorder that causes the body to absorb and store too much iron. The extra iron builds up in organs and damages them. Without treatment, the disease can cause these organs to fail.

Iron is an essential nutrient found in many foods. The greatest amount is found in red meat and iron-fortified bread and cereal. In the body, iron becomes part of hemoglobin, a molecule in the blood that transports oxygen from the lungs to all body tissues.

Healthy people usually absorb about ten percent of the iron contained in the food they eat to meet the body needs. People with hemochromatosis absorb more than the body needs. The body has no natural way to rid itself of the excess iron, so it is stored in body tissues, especially the liver, heart, and pancreas.

heterochromatic (adjective), more heterochromatic, most heterochromatic
1. Relating to or possessing more than one color: A heterochromatic rainbow consists of many different colors, or is varicoloured.
2. Pertaining to light: Brightness that is heterochromatic has more than one wavelength.
1. That which is abnormally highly colored, excessively stained, or over pigmented.
2. Characterized by intense coloration, either from natural pigments or from a strong affinity for colored dyes.
hyperchromatism, hyperchromia
1. The increased or excessive staining capacity of a structure; such as, the nuclei of cancer cells, which stain excessively with hematoxylin (stain that gives a blue color) as a result of their increased nucleic acid (chromosomal) content.
2. A condition of having an unusual intensity of color.
Having a distinctive and constant coloration, used especially of minerals.
1. Of uniform color.
2. Denoting two objects of the same color.
3. In optics, having the same color.
Having a fine chromatin network.
A reference to the art of printing colored pictures on canvas from oil paintings on stone.
melanocratic (adjective),more melanocratic, most melanocratic
In geology, a description of a dark-colored rock; chromocratic; melanic: Such melanocratic rocks are igneous and contain at least 50-60% of mafic minerals.
Consisting of only one color or of one color and white.

In painting, it may refer to the use of many shades of a single hue.

normochromasia (s) (noun), normochromasias (pl)
1. Average staining capacity in a cell or tissue: When studying about hemoglobin, Professor Charles stressed to his students the importance of using blood cells with good normochromasia.
2. A typical concentration of hemoglobin (blood that transports oxygen from the lungs to body tissues) in erythrocytes (mature red blood cells): The blood diagnosis at the hospital indicated Peter had good normochromasia.
normochromatic (adjective), more normochromatic, most normochromatic
Having the standard color in stained blood films; used with reference to erythrocytes or erythrocyte precursors: The more normochromatic blood analyses that a patient has, the more confident the doctors are for good recoveries.